Welcome to Our Ministry
Being Truthtellers and Peacemakers in the heart of the city
Following our Holy Discontent
In October 2013 Chuck Harper created North Okanagan Community Chaplaincy (NOCC) based on filling gaps in the community. It began with going for coffee with men who were going through a rough time. Walking with these men led to building more intentional relationships. From there he found out that 14 men and women had passed away in 2013. This led to a Popeye moment.
As our ministry continues to grow. We are seeing the need to fill more gaps and walk with others, so that collectively we can stem the tide of the brokenness that can lead to so many deaths on our streets.
To be Truthtellers and Peacemakers
Our mission is to share the love of Jesus in real and intentional ways. To learn more check our webpage or come join us.
Helping others to see they are precious in His sight
The meaning of the word values describes something or someone of immense worth. We believe that every person is value. They are precious in His sight. Each person is so valuable that Jesus died that they might have life eternal.
Jesus is the foundation of who we are and what we believe
We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. That is our measuring stick. In a world that we all feel like we do not measure up. Being in right relationship with Him. Means we can all measure up.