Welcome to the new part of our ministry here in Vernon. While our site is still in process. I invite you to explore our site and learn more about us, what we are doing and moving towards. Ultimately our goal is to love as Jesus loves, and use words if necessary.
In This House
We want to build a sense of community
Ministry Focus
Is to walk alongside broken people
Join us
As we journey alongside people
means getting involved
Hello & Welcome
We believe that Jesus changes lives.
Micah 6:8 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly before your God.
This year we celebrate 10 years of ministry here in Vernon. It has been amazing to see how God works in us and through us. God sent His son Jesus on a rescue mission for His children to help them find their way home. Our role is to be a part of that rescue mission. Come join us.
It is our hope to build community
To do that we must love as Jesus loves
If you would like to receive regular updates about our Ministry.
Please contact us at chuck@noccministry.org, office@noccministry.org
or Church office 250-542-0128 or NOCC office 778-475-5697
You’ve been created with gifts and passions to use
Become a Volunteer
Acts 13:22
Says that David was considered a man after God’s own heart
It is my hearts prayer to be a man like David, a man after God’s own heart
And to lead others in a way that enables us to see people as Jesus sees them
Chuck Harper